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Proud parents
The parents of the three players were in the front row at the ceremony. All smiles and eyes sparkling with happiness, the father of Kristen Stewart, John, agreed to share his emotions with the Agence QMI, a few minutes before the arrival of his famous daughter.
John Stewart (LINK)
"This honor is particularly special for Kristen and for the whole family, he said. Very few people had the chance to leave their footprints in front of the Chinese Theatre (only 260 artists have done since the 1920s) compared to the thousands of stars that were awarded on Hollywood Boulevard. I am absolutely thrilled and I could not be more proud of my daughter. "
The Pattinsons (LINK)
Robert Pattinson was surrounded by Twihards when he joined Kristen Stewartand costar TaylorLautner for their hand and footprint ceremony at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood Thursday.
But despite their unwavering support, it was Pattinson's parents who were most excited to see the actor take part in the momentous occasion.
"His parents were in the front row and they were cute," an onlooker tells Us Weekly. "His mom was using her personal digital camera to take photos of everything, including the news helicopters circling overhead!"
Pattinson's mother, Clare, and his father, Richard, said they "were doing the tourist thing" while visiting California. "The weather is much better than in England! At one point, Clare nudged a pal and said, "This is all a bit wacky!"
Meanwhile, Pattinson -- no doubt happy to reunite with Stewart, 21 -- thanked fans for helping him celebrate the career milestone.
"This is such an incredible honor, how young we are -- it's kind of ridiculous and amazing at the same time," the Brit said. "It's all up to you guys to drive this franchise over the years, so thank you so much for being so consistent. Thank you. You should all come up here and put your hands in!
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