**Kristen is wearing Rob's shirt

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*Panel Videos and Interviews.
Misty's Q Ask Rupert if that was all Kristen sliding into the aquaduct in the bts clips or was some of it a stunt double. @Variety_JLD @Chudygirl I asked. He said she was pretty tough and did about 95% of the stunts
@StewartDailyNet Kristen was asked about difference between swath and twi. She defended twilight. Says she can have a full on convo.
@EricIGN: "I can have a full on Twilight conversation right now, but I won't do that."-Kristen Stewart when asked about not playing damsel in distress
@HitFix.com Sanders thinks the actors made the fairy tale characters feel real and grounded and relevant. “Without a good story, you’re just making wallpaper. And I didn’t want to make wallpaper.”
“I think, essentially, we’re pretty true to who she is, brass tacks core personality traits,” Stewart says, though she wanted to make sure this was a character who had been thought about and not just a basic archetype.
ComingSoon.net Liveblog
Stewart is saying how proud she is of Sanders' work.
"Everything I wanted [Snow White] to be is there and that's really rare," Stewart explains.
"I hurt myself a lot," says Stewart about the stunts. But that's what drew her to the project.
"I got to jump off cliffs and ride horses," she says, "And that terrified me. I didn't like that."
From Charlize "It's because I'm a b--h," .She says that Picasso had his blue period and she's just in her b--h period. Exact quote from her USA Today interview- Jan 2012
Sanders says that the film is definitely based on the original Brothers Grimm version and doesn't take any other adaptations into account.
Kristen Stewart said she got to jump off things and ride horses and she hated it LOL
Kristen Stewart said in playing a different Snow White, they're finding out the why and she was excited to do that
Kristen Stewart said she's always wanted to play badass action role, and this makes sense to her, her role is relatable
A kid audience asked Kristen Stewart how she went from Twilight role to Snow White
Charlize Theron thinks the kid audience who asked Kristen Stewart was adorable LOL
Kristen Stewart said director Rupert Sanders gave her the book about Joan Of Arc
BTW, the new trailer for #SWATH showed more of the dwarves.
**Read here (LINK) and here (LINK) about the new footage that was shown. Contains spoilers.
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