They're hot, they're Robsten. They make for a year of excellent Epic Moments. A 2010 play by play.
January 2010: Rob and Kristen ring in the New Year on the Isle of Wight.
When: January 1st 2010 Where: Ventnor on the Isle of Wight, UK. The story: Were they or weren't they going to spend the Holidays together? The answer turned out to be a sharp Occam's Razor: duh... of course they were! Proof came the day the new year started when these fan photos from a girl named Holly made it online. Later on more shots appeared, but they were private candids from Sam Bradley's sister, showing blurry shots of Rob, Kristen and Britpack friends enjoying the island's nature. Level of impact: The most wonderful time of the year? It barely ever means January, but this was a nice New Year's celebration. For them, for us. Solid Epic.
February 2010: Rob and Kristen celebrate at the Bafta Awards
When: February 21st 2010 Where: London, UK The story: Kristen wins the Bafta for Orange Rising Star, Rob presents the Bafta for Best Original Screenplay (we believe this was also a convenient way for him to support Kristen without "officially" being her date - though technically he definitely was) they mingle together, they leave together and eye witnesses say Rob soothed Kristen as she was nervous about her nomination. Level of impact: Kristen's win was epic. Rob being proud was epic. Them leaving together - while no surprise - was epic. We call that a Triple Epic.
Worthy of a mention: the fact Kristen remained in London after the Baftas. She did some high profile stuff; visiting fashion shows and receiving a Style award, while also enjoying downtime with Rob before she travelled to the US with Rob (and Tom) for the Remember Me premiere. Level of impact: the whole week was one Kristen event after another with the interludes of sweet Robsten sightings. It was February, we were needy for some warmth, so yes. Epic!
When: March 1st 2010 Where: New York, US The story: Would she or wouldn't she? She did. Kristen walks a small red carpet to support Rob for the premiere of Remember Me. Fun facts: They sat togeher at the screening. Kristen may wear the pants but sister in law Lizzy wears the jacket. (Sharing an outfit. Economic and fun) Level of impact: A goofy grin on Rob, smiling Kristen, the support of family makes this an Epic Plus.
When: April 9 2010 Where: Budapest, Hungary. The story: Rob is filming Bel Ami in Hungary and Kristen takes a transatlantic flight to celebrate her birthday with her fella. The deets are thankfully fuzzy but the Infinity symbol around her neck and the golden bling on her finger tell us it was quite the celebration. The shots above were taken upon arrival back in the UK. Level of impact: Celebrating a birthday (and other things from what we have heard through the grapevine. Commitment celebration...) matching Adidas. New bling around her neck and on her finger. We suspect the epic was much bigger than meets the eye. Wink, nudge. Epic with a mystery twist.
May 2010: Rob and Kristen go on Oprah and snap some shots for USA Today
When: May 13 2010 (taped a week before) Where: Chicago, US The story: Oprah has an Eclipse Special because she realizes that regaining some viewers needs the help of Rob, Kristen and Beefpatty's very own spokespuppy: Taylor Lautner. Oprah does ask THE question to which it is revealed Rob will carry the future Stew-Pattinson babies because according to Kristen - he likes to shock people. Cute moments include a lesson in accents, sloppy seconds and backstage unbuttoning of shirts. Level of Impact: Cuteness overload. But nothing earth shattering. Epic Lite.
When: May 19 2010 (printed) Where: All over the USA The story: More Eclipse promotion, which leads to the cuteness that is the USA Today article. The Trifecta talk shop but Rob's exasparation at never meeting Jack Nicholson while Kristen and Taylor have and this: "Let's just say it wasn't Lautner who placed a hand on Pattinson's leg during a portion of the interview." makes it a winner. Level of impact: We love the Bubble on display. Epic Lite again.
Worthy of a mention: Kristen's Elle UK Interview (set for the July issue, released in June, revealed in May) Level of impact: Showing the interviewer your iPod to exclusively reveal a family photo of you, your "baby" (Cat Jella - Max-) and your fella (one familiar deliciously handsome young man) is what we call a "read between the lines" Epic.
When: June 6 2010 Where: Los Angeles, US The story: Twilight: New Moon wins, Rob and Kristen win (and thank each other. Rob menions Kristen, Kristen points at Rob a tad more sneakily) and people who still believe in genuine love win. Just when you think these two can't get cuter...they can. Without even trying. Level of impact: Undoubtedly very much an Epic Superplus.
When: June 12 2010 Where: Los Angeles, US The story: More Eclipse promotion which is reminiscent of the Comicon days. Rob and Kristen flirt and tease, leaving people failing to notice there is a third party present. It must suck to be Taylor Lautner sometimes. Especially because they don't even seem to realize they are doing it. Kristen gives Rob the finger when he mentions to the audience that The Runaways is his favorite film. We would have expected Welcome to the Rileys but the bath tub scene in TR gets us too. Level of impact: A nice prelude to the Real Epic 12 days later.
When: June 24 2010 Where: Los Angeles, US. The story: The grand premiere. An explosion of bubble. (We were there, explosive it was with all the screaming). Level of impact: After the debacle that was the New Moon premiere, this rivalled the Twilight premiere but wrestled itself on top with the Epic that was the afterparty. An Epic Superplus again.
Worthy of a mention: The George Lopez Show on June 30. The hair is amazing (Kristen's) Loving Daddy Stewart, plus Rob and circus acts. Level of impact: Not quite Epic but enough to keep the spark of the Epic Superplus that was the premiere alive.
When: July 5 2010 Where: Los Angeles, US. The story: Rob and Kristen visit an Eclipse screening in L.A. to thank fans for their support and the success of Eclipse. Level of Impact: Not quite that Epic but enough to secure a spot in this recap. MiniEpic.
Overall July was very quiet. Rob continued to work on Water for Elephants while he and Kristen enjoyed a string of dates including a Sam Bradley concert.
It seemed to be the quiet before the storm that would be August.
When: August 12 2010 Where: Montreal, Canada The story: Rob visits Kristen in Montreal where she is filming On the Road. Giddy to see his lady again, he gets very close and personal. Level of impact: Nuzzling Rob, coy Kristen...the first sign of blunt PDA. Epic Superplus with a golden lining. Heck, make that Mega Epic.
When: August 15 2010 Where: Montreal, Canada The story: The kiss heared, seen and celebrated around the world. Need we say more? We think not. Level of impact: Explosive Epic with capital E's.
September 2010: Roadtripping and getting off their Dicks
When: Mid September 2010 Where: From L.A. to New Orleans The story: Rob, Sam and Tom take a roadtrip to New Orleans where Kristen is filming On the Road. The destination is evident long before the boys reach it. The photos are subtle proof, where we see Rob and Kristen in the background of photos taken by Sam (who had just posed with the girls in the forefront) Level of impact: Roadtrips are Epic, ask the Chili Peppers. Nuff said. Also: Kristen wearing Rob's "Get off My Dick" t-shirt when he was still in L.A is Epic with a Message.
October 2010: Preparing for tossing feathers and breaking headboards.
When: October 15 2010 Where: Baton Rouge, LA The story: Rob and Kristen show up on the Breaking Dawn set and get greeted by crew members. The cute dog is not Taylor, let that be clear. There was however a debate whether or not this puppy could be recast as Jacob Black because the dog didn't demand his own trailer. Level of impact: Rob, Kristen and a dog that's not Taylor? We call that wishful thinking. Another MiniEpic.
Worthy of a mention: Date nights in October Level of impact: Any kind of Robsten PDA is always good. SubtleEpic.
When: Mid November 2010 Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The story: Rob and Kristen travel to Brazil to shoot the imfamous Breaking Dawn honeymoon scenes. And then some. They share a wave and some smiles with a crowd gathered outside their hotel. Level of impact: Showering together saves money. Environmentally Epic.
When: Mid November 2010 Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The story: Rob and Kristen travel to Brazil to shoot the imfamous Breaking Dawn honeymoon scenes. And then some. We have a hard time dividing what's on and off camera. It's one big blur of Epic Bubble. Level of impact: Robsten Brazilian Nights? A Scorching Epic.
When: Mid November 2010 Where: Paraty, Brazil The story: Rob and Kristen travel to Paraty for more steaming Breaking Dawn filming and some frivolous down time in the water. Level of impact: Sharing cigarettes, piggy back rides and oceans swims. We all know what goes down under water. Splashing Epic.
Worthy of a mention: Rob and Kristen leeaving Brazil. Level of impact: Kristen touching Rob without being worried who sees. Epic Lite for confidence.
December 2010: Forbidden shots.
We mention them, you can probably google them but we won't post them. They are private.
When: Christmas 2009 and Summer 2010 Where: London and Santa Barbara The story: - A photo of Rob and Kristen posing with Rob's parents at Christmas in London - Photos of Rob and Kristen plus two friends and Rob and Kristen at a table with Tom and his sister during a friend's wedding in Santa Barbara, CA during the summer. Level of impact: Technically minor. But candids always reveal much more. The way Rob and Kristen hold hands as they pose with his parents, or the way they lean in close at their friends wedding show that they are truly just two "normal" genuine people who enjoy life and most importantly love each other. And all the promotional and/or pap-shots in the world will not change that. Level of impact: Anything Rob and Kristen do on their own time minus the prying eye of paparazzi, fans, bloggers, media etc is Epic by Default.
When: Christmas 2010 Where: London and/or Los Angeles The story: Rob and Kristen spend Christmas together with their family. Level of impact: photos or no photos, sightings or no sightings, whatever they do is epic. Robsten-Epic.
RECAP: It's been a year that contrasted 2009 heavily. Droughts balanced out epic moments. Rob and Kristen became more open but remained private when needed. To the casual observer this is still a (possible) relationship between co stars. To those who know and see a little more this is Epic Love :)
Robsten Investikudos wishes everyone a buttload of Epic for 2011. Rob and Kristen included.
Disclaimer: we own nothing but would love to hear about your Epic Robsten moments in 2010 in the comment section.