Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Kristen in Paris - January 29 - 31 2012
Kristen is currently in Paris. On January 30 she did a photoshoot with Mario Testino, presumably for Vanity Fair.

*More pictures
*And more...
*Plus more
- Kristen also met Karl Lagerfeld LINK
*More HERE
- Fan-encounters - January 30 LINK

- Kristen went shopping today, January 31 LINK

*More pictures
*And more...
*Plus more
- Kristen also met Karl Lagerfeld LINK
*More HERE
- Fan-encounters - January 30 LINK

- Kristen went shopping today, January 31 LINK
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Investikudos Weekly Update: January 23 - 29 2012

Current Projects
- World premiere of Bel Ami at Berlinale (Berlin Film Festival) is Feb 17 and all major cast-members will attend (of course)
"We are delighted to confirm that the official World Premiere for Bel Ami will take place on February 17th, 2012 as part of the 62nd Berlin Film Festival. Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and our directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod will walk the Berlin red carpet and give us the opportunity to complete press and launch the film across Europe in the best possible fashion."(SOURCE)

- Release in the UK has been pushed back a week to March 9
- DVD extras plus Bill Condon's commentary (LINK)
Some BTS pictures (More)

- Breaking Dawn Part 1 has made almost 700 million worldwide.
Find links to all the events UPDATED with all available videos etc. here (LINK)
- Cosmopolis wins MTV Movie Brawl:
Pattinson fans came out in full force to elect "Cosmopolis" the winner of the MTV Movie Brawl 2012, a weeks-long tournament that pitted several of 2012's biggest releases against one another to determine which film is the must-see cinematic event of the year. After tense battles against titans like "Bel Ami," "The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn: Part 2," "The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Hunger Games," it's Pattinson's upcoming indie thriller that took home the grand prize.
It's a surprising result for many onlookers, given that "Cosmopolis" has yet to release a trailer and only has a tentative release date of 2012. But Rob's fans rallied behind their man, opting to support his future in "Cosmopolis" over his past in "Twilight" — a commanding decision from a massive fanbase that demands attention, to say the least.
- New interview with David Cronenberg from MTV (source)
MTV: David, thanks for talking with us! Have you been filled in on what's happened with "Cosmopolis" over here?
David Cronenberg: You know, I've been following it! I'm shocked! I'm shocked and amazed and really tickled. It proves that movie fans are unpredictable and really interesting and really passionate. It's fantastic. I would have never, ever imagined that this would happen.
MTV: How did the tournament first get on your radar?
Cronenberg: Somebody sent me something and said, "Hey, we seem to be doing OK in this Movie Brawl thing that MTV's got going on." I didn't know about it. At that point, we were struggling with "The Dark Knight," I think. I thought, "Wow, that's pretty impressive!" Because "Cosmopolis," while I think in terms of what it is as cinema is pretty hefty, but in terms of budget and promotion, it's an underdog compared to something like "The Dark Knight" franchise. I really didn't think we would have much of a chance. That really got my attention.
MTV: What's kind of incredible, too, is that right before that battle with Batman, "Cosmopolis" was up against "Twilight." It was Rob versus Rob! In what we saw, it seemed that fans were putting their votes towards Rob's future instead of his past.
Cronenberg: Well, and I think that's one of the things that I meant when I said it was interesting. Because that's not the kind of thing you would predict. But it was really terrific, and in that sense, they're right. As I've said many times, if you're a "Twilight" fan, then you might not be interested in "Cosmopolis" because Rob is not Mr. Cullen. But if you're a Rob fan, then you've got to be interested in "Cosmopolis," because you will see him as you have not seen him before, for sure.
MTV: Clearly, there is a lot of interest in this movie, seeing that it came out ahead over movies like "Dark Knight," "Twilight" and "Hunger Games." There is a lot of attention on Rob, of course. Can you talk about your experience working with Rob, and the kind of actor you found him to be over the course of shooting "Cosmopolis"?
Cronenberg: He's terrific. He deserves the affection that the fans have for him. He's incredibly sweet, he's very funny, he's very bright and he's also very knowledgeable about cinema. Not just movies but the history of cinema. He knows a lot about it. He's just a sweetheart. And he's totally professional. He's always right there. We had a lot of fun shooting [the movie] because, as I say, he has a great sense of humor. We just played a lot. I think that's a really great tone that's set for everybody on the set. The lead actor has a really big influence on the tone of the shoot. If you've got a guy who's very difficult and neurotic or whatever, they can't help but affect everybody's day. But Rob is not like that. He's just a ray of sunshine. In fact, he's in absolutely every scene of the movie, so obviously his temperament would have a huge influence on how the shoot went ... and it was a dream. It was a beautiful shoot.
MTV: I think one of the reasons why some are surprised with how this tournament played out is that most of the films that were competing have trailers. This one doesn't — at least not yet! When can fans expect to see a trailer?
Cronenberg: We feel probably that this won't be released until next fall. It's not exactly a summer movie and it won't be ready for a while. The movie is finished, but something that fans maybe don't know is how long it takes a movie to get released. You want to do a couple of film festivals, the studios in each country have to get their materials ready. The photographs, the trailers, everything ... it takes a lot of time, you know? The other thing is, we kind of want to keep things a little bit of a secret until we unleash it on the world. We're pretty excited about it and we don't really want to let too much out about what it is and how it plays.
MTV: In terms of when this is coming out, you said perhaps fall of this year. So there's no firm release date just yet?
Cronenberg: No, not at all. It's been sold to a lot of countries and distributors around the world, but for example, it does not yet have U.S. distribution. That's fine, because we didn't want to look for it until we had the finished film. But frankly, the Movie Brawl results might well help us get some good U.S. distribution! [He laughs.] I just thought of that, but you know, it's possible! It's interesting to hear that indication of interest before you even release a trailer — that's pretty darn good. But you can't release a trailer until you have a distributor, and a distributor has to really have all the material, so it takes a while.
MTV: Well, something close to 6 million votes were cast in this tournament, and almost 4 million were cast in this final poll alone. The numbers do not lie.
Cronenberg: That's fantastic. That's just great. That's just great.
MTV: In the spirit of this tournament, what's the movie you're most excited to see in 2012? What's the film you can't wait to get your eyes on?
Cronenberg: You know, I'm so focused on what I've been doing that I actually don't know what's around! It's strange. I haven't even caught up with last year's films. I have a movie out now called "A Dangerous Method" with Keira Knightley, Michael Fassbender and Viggo Mortensen. I've been touring the world promoting that, been to a ton of film festivals, but I haven't had a chance to see any of the movies, because I'm constantly having to do interviews and stuff for that. Now, that's calmed down now that the movie has finally been released in the U.S., but the result is that I'm way behind on everything.
MTV: So you've got to catch up on 2011 before moving onto 2012.
Cronenberg: That's right! Let me catch up first, and then I'll start thinking about 2012.
MTV: Finally, any last messages to the "Cosmopolis" fans who pushed this movie to the top?
Cronenberg: They won't be disappointed in Rob. He is fantastic.

- Kristen, Charlize and Chris in L.A. to do a SWATH-photoshoot (Jan 27). (LINK)

On Thursday they did interviews with MTV (Josh Horowitz) Cinemax and Moviefone Unscripted.

Since there is an embargo, not much news, except some tweets and Facebook-info:
From CarlosCastilloFacebook:
So I got to work today on a set where the Thor dude, Chris Helms (can't remember his last name), Kristen Stewart from the Twilight Series, and Charlize Theron were shooting an MTV promo for Snow White and the Huntsman Thanks to my nephew Bryan Campos for the hookup. Kirsten is short, cute, tiny. Good skin. Thor is a tall, in shape (lean) blond dude. CHARLIZE THERON...is just straight REPRESENTING IN EVERY WAY...she deserves ALL THE BIG BUCKS. Sweet, gorgeous, funny, TALL...CUTE TOES...She's just on another level.
Kristen is super cute though...not in the Betty Boop kind of way...in the short girl, long hair, leather brown shorts with heels, gothic type of way...alabaster skin...tresses of auburn locks.
From @theseanmac: "#SWATH 'Uncensored' cast intvw special will be on Cinemax in a few months though will try [to post] BTS pic of cast shoot soon."
Here's an idea of Cinemax uncensored interviews- The XMen First Class Cast Interview Thanks KStewAngel
From @joshuahorowitz "For those asking about SWATH, bad news: you'll have to wait a while to see it (not my choice!). Good news? You will NOT be disappointed." Going to see if I can at least share a SWATH cast pic soon to tide you Kristen fans over. Will do my best. All I can say...for now.
@samclaflin Good meeting you today! That was a wild interview. Give Charlize a long inappropriate hug for me.
- SWATH in Best Movie Italy February 2012 - scans (SOURCE) and larger

Translation: (SOURCE)
NOTE: Contains Spoilers!
The first scene shows us a spectacular fight in a forest bewteen two armies: King Magnus's army vs the evil queen's. In the impact against the king's knights, the dark soldiers are literally pulverized as if they were puppets. The scene is visually very effective, and it definetely drops us a hint at how much care they've put into special effects.
In the following sequence, we finally meet Snow White's stepmother Queen Raveena, played by a sensual and dark-charming Charlize Theron, who leaves us no doubt on who is really going to be the leading lady...also because she's the one who admits to completely putting herself in this role. << This movie takes me back to my childhood. I go on set and say 'this is my house , this is my mirror' and I feel like being 12 again. It's an ambitious project, but also very funny >>. In the scene we're watching, the queen is in king Magnus's luxurious bedroom, and after seducing him, she hands him a poisoned wine goblet before heart-stabbing him.
The mix of seduction and violence lets us guess that the movie won't be suitable for children, even if script and direction don't go to far, avoiding nudity and blood. But the emotional charge stays high...
Now it's time to meet her, Snow White. Let's get to know Kristen Stewart and see if, after years of Twilight, she'll finally be able to make us forget Bella Swan and surprise us with a convincing performance. We know we'll see her in different clothes from Disney's fairytales, in fact the princess in front of us dresses in practical and male clothes: leather trousers and boots replace long skirts and little shoes. She's lying on a bed in the corner of a cell; she looks exhausted as she tries to suppress anger and fear developed over the years of captivity. A blond guy (Raveena's brother) steps into the room with everything but noble intentions. Pretending to be harmless, the girl manages to escape and to lock him up in the cell. She does not win our heart like the evil Queen, but we already like this warrior Snow White, also because Kristen's enthusiasm is contagious. << It's a big-heart project, people who don't look at the outward appearance will like it. It's a simple story, but it strikes hard >>.
But now comes the highlight moment, the one that really makes us open our eyes. Raveena is in the hall of her palace (where we are now), standing in front of something we don't identify at first, but which becomes clear as soon as she pronounces 'mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairiest of them all?'. It's no longer the oval-shaped mirror with a bronze and engraved frame, but a shiny concave gold 'plate' which melts in front of our eyes, turning into this statuesque 'lord of the mirror'. A little digital marvel. Our viewing figure has now rocketed upwards.
The male main character, who's not prince charming as you can guss from the title, is still missing. It's another peculiar choice, which really intrigues us. But we're optimistic this time around, since it's Chris-talking six pack abs-Hemsworth. If you've seen Thor, you know who he is, even if Snow White herself tells us: << I cried filming a scene. I had to punch Chris but I put too much strength and he fell to the ground. I didn't expect that and I got so scared that I started crying>>. Sorry figures apart, will this huntsman be just a caveman or will he be able to give depth to the character? Looking at his first appearance (the scene of the trailer where he's dragged in front of the queen who asks him to bring her Snow White's heart), we're pretty positive he will be good.
The last scene takes place in the forest and introduces us to other important characters, the 8 drawrfs. Yes, you got it right. There will be 8 drwarfs. We still don't understand the reason of this modification, but it seems that the group will lose a member at the end. We find them sitting around a fire with Snow White and the huntsman, between whom it looks like there isn't yet the chemistry we expect. From his conversation with a dwarf we understand that the man is considering the idea of involving the girl in a so different mission: creating an army to attack Raveena.
What follows, among dancing, singing and jokes, presents another aspect of the movie: the comic and cheeerful vein brought by the dwarfs themselves with their cutting irony.
Rob and Kristen are E!'s World's Sexiest Couple
- Chances of Rob and Kristen going to the Academy Awards (LINK)
We won't be surprised one bit if we see Robert Pattinson at this year's Academy Awards.
Yes, he's presented at the Oscars already, but... His new flick, Bel Ami, is set for release just a few days after Hollywood's biggest night of the year. A rep for the Twilight star didn't comment on his possible plans to attend.
Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart is also said to be at the top of the presenter wish list. While Snow White and the Huntsman doesn't hit theaters until June, she'd ideally be paired with her hunky fairy-tale costar Chris Hemsworth.
Mr. Hemsworth actually has two flicks, The Avengers and The Cabin in the Woods, coming out before Snow White, so what better way to promote them all in one big shot than at the Oscars?
- Kristen Glamour UK outakes in color. (SOURCE)

Rob was supposedly spotted in London this week, presumably for Bel Ami related things but that was not confirmed. Since then he's also been spotted in L.A.
Kristen had some SWATH promotion duties in L.A. and arrived in Paris today (LINK)
Friday, January 27, 2012
Breaking Dawn DVD - Extras plus Bill Condon's commentary
Sources1 2
- Highlights of Bill Condon's commentary (source)
- Highlights of Bill Condon's commentary (source)
1st thing Bill says is he hopes the cut scene of the Volturi from the beginning "will make it to a longer cut years down the line" YEARS?!
Bill: "Kristen...I don't know if everyone knows this...she's the ultimate Twi-hard."
Bill Condon is pretty much fangirling over Kristen during this entire commentary...
re: last week of shooting & filming Jacob/Bella dance "These 3 actors knew this was the last time they would be playing these parts ever, and they were very aware of it and Kristen's not overtly sentimental but I think there were a lot of tears on all sides"
Bill Condon: "I could spend this entire commentary gushing about these actors & I'll try not to"
Did we know that Lizzy Pattinson "sings" in the music as B/E drive away from Forks for their honeymoon? I don't think I did.
"Kristen...she's growing up so fast...I think she looks especially beautiful in this chunk of the movie." (honeymoon)
Re: honeymoon sex "I think people know there was an earlier more explicit version of this..it wasn't that much different but there was more a sense probably that they were having sex"
That thrust that he did just as we fade out...we had a little more of that, so we sort of pulled back on that"
"They were great sports about it & obviously very comfortable w/ each other..I can't imagine this without their comfort level w/ each other"
Re: Rob and Bella black lingerie "His reaction was just completely him responding in the moment...I love it, its just great to see him smile"
Theme that opens the movie is a snippet of Renesmee's Lullaby, and they also use a bit of it on the beach when Jacob talks about imprinting.
They shot the scene from the book of Bella and Edward acknowledging that they've figured out a way to have sex without destroying the house or injuring Bella and Bella tossing around the idea of staying human a little longer. Bill really liked it but felt it didn't go anywhere dramatically. I swear we better get deleted scenes down the road. Still can't believe there are none on this dvd. Ridic.
Bill can see Kristen as a director, Rob as a writer & Taylor as a producer and studio head.
re: Bella examining her tummy in the mirror "We debated if Kristen needed a little appliance, but she just stuck her belly out a little bit"
They also originally shot Peter and Ashley on the phone with Bella but decided they didn't want to make the cut away from Bella to show them.
It was apparently almost impossible to get a visa for the Brazilian actress playing Kaure so she could go to Baton Rouge to finish her scenes, and it took "someone calling someone who knew someone in the Obama White House and really getting some strings pulled"
Bill talking about Kristen cooking for him in Baton Rouge ("a great cook...an amazing cook") Kris is a great cook she had me over for dinner in BR&I showed her&rob 1st cut of movie, he then says he showed footage to Taylor on another occasion.
They cut the Jacob throwing the dog bowl at Rosalie scene because it didn't feel right to have comic relief at that moment.
re: Edward hearing the baby scene and Rob/babies "You look at Rob here, you get a little hint of what you'll see a lot of in the 2nd film. He is unbelievably tender with babies...with children...not just babies...he was with Mackenzie too. There's something that changes about him when he's with children. He's just so sweet and caring and I think you really get a little glimpse of that here."
Shooting the birth scene is one of the most memorable nights Bill has ever had on a movie set.
re: birth/trying to revive Bella - "You have this intensity from Rob and Taylor...because Kristen made it so real, they're imagining what it would be like to lose Kristen...both of them talked about that."
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Investikudos Weekly Update: January 16 - 22 2012

Current Projects
- Bel Ami will have its world premiere at Berlinale - the Berlin Film Festival!
No date yet but Berlinale is held between Feb 9 - 19 (LINK)
- Bel Ami to screen at Glasgow Film Festival (LINK)
According to the Glasgow Film Festival programme, 'Bel Ami' will be shown on February 22nd at 6:15PM and February 23rd at 5PM - If you want to order tickets (LINK)

- Another new BTS-look from MTV Russia (Dubbed in Russian)
Translation (SOURCE)
In Spring 2012 there will be screening of the dramatic picture Bel Ami based on the novel of Guy de Mopassant. This novel is referred to the French literature classics. It was filmed many times, one of which was porno. Although everyone knows this story already, this premiere is being waited with impatience because the main character is played by handsome twilight's Robert Pattinson.
The creators of the film Bel Ami decided not to rewrite clasics and made quite precise adaptation. The main character Georges Duroy - the ex military - vegetates in poverty in midst of luxury Paris. But one day he meets his old fellow Sharles Forrestier who became a journalist. And the new life starts. George can do almost nothing, but he is very attractive and his mind is resourceful. On having new appointments he understands: there is the invisible power in the high society that can help to grow up.This power are wives of rich and powerful men.
In the beginning he has love affair with his friend's wife.Then with the lady from high society Clotilda de Morels. Then with her daughter. And it's her who calls him "bel ami". George's life became the line of mistresses, lie, machinations and calculated marriages.
The director of Bel Ami is englishman Declan Donnellan. Russia knows him thanks to his numerous performances in Moscow artistic academic theatre (MHAT) and in Pushkin's theatre and even in Bolshoy theatre. Declan managed to combine outstanding cast for this film. "Bel ami" Georges Duroy is Robert Pattinson, who is free finally from his vampire saga. He has in movie love affairs with wonderful actresses Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci, Kristin Scott Thomas and so on. Everything was filmed in London and Budapest. But the action is meant to be in Paris.
As Robert Pattinson said by himself, he played amoral Georges with great pleasure because he used to learn French and the novel Bel Ami is one of his favourite books.
Screencaps from the video:

More here (LINK)
- New Stills:

- Carter Burwell talks about the Edward/Renesmee piano scene in Breaking Dawn Part 2 (LINK)
At what point in the filming process will you come onboard? Is the film usually finished by the time you see it and set the score?
Carter Burwell: Generally, I don’t actually write anything until a film has actually been shot. But, there are some exceptions.
In the movie I’m working on right now, which is “Breaking Dawn: Part II,” they needed Rob Pattinson and the actress who plays his daughter to play piano onscreen. I had to write this duet before they shot the film so they could actually learn the parts. Rob is a musician, so he prides himself on working out the fingering for these correctly.
- Target will preview Breaking Dawn Part 2 (LINK)

- More details about the 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' DVD and Bluray. These are details about the Italian DVD, but the extras are the same as the US DVD/Blu Ray. (LINK)
Disc 1
The movie
Audio Commentary with Bill Condon
Disc 2
6-Part Making Of Documentary (55 minutes)
Jacob's Destiny (7 minutes)
Edward and Bella's Personal Wedding Video (9 minutes)
Edward Fast Forward
Jacob Fast Forward
Jump to... (character specific favorite scenes) according to the Italian DVD: wedding, honeymoon, Bella's pregnancy, the wolves, the Cullens
The movie
Audio Commentary with Bill Condon
6-Part Making Of Documentary (55 minutes)
Jacob's Destiny (7 minutes)
Edward and Bella's Personal Wedding Video (9 minutes)
Edward Fast Forward
Jacob Fast Forward
Jump to... (character specific favorite scenes) according to the Italian DVD: wedding, honeymoon, Bella's pregnancy, the wolves, the Cullens.
- Junket interviews:
Part 1: LINK
Part 2: LINK
Part 3: LINK
Part 4: LINK
Part 5: LINK
- Breaking Dawn Part 1 has made more than $650 million worldwide.
Find links to all the events UPDATED with all available videos etc. here (LINK)
No News.
No News.
- SWATH cast will do Moviefone Unscripted on January 26(LINK)
Twi-hards and superhero geeks unite! On Thursday, Jan. 26 in Los Angeles, Kristen Stewart (Snow White), Charlize Theron (the evil Queen Ravenna) and Chris Hemsworth (the Huntsman) will participate in a brand-new edition of Moviefone's Unscripted for "Snow White and the Huntsman" -- meaning you can ask them anything about the highly anticipated fairytale flick.
"Snow White" fans will have until Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST to ask a question. You can leave queries in the comments below, on our Facebook Page or on Twitter. Check back to Moviefone closer to the "Snow White" release date in June to see the completed video.
Starring Stewart, Theron, Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Bob Hoskins and Eddie Izzard, "Snow White and the Huntsman" hits theaters on June 1.
- MTV's Josh Horowitz will interview the SWATH cast - no date yet.

- Charlize on instant chemistry with Kristen (LINK)
Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron may play rivals in Snow White and the Huntsman, but it's so not like that in real life.
The two didn't first meet until after they both signed on to the movie...
"We met on a plane going to Comic-Con," Theron told me at the BAFTA Los Angeles tea party at the Four Seasons Hotel. "You know when you meet someone and it's effortless? It was instantly amazing. We couldn't shut up," she continued. "The plane landed and they were like, 'Get off the plane' and we were going on and on."
It was the same on set. "I think we both love what we do and we came to play," Theron said.
Yeah, but what happened when it came to their fight scenes? We imagine the "total bitch" Evil Queen got to kick Stewart's Snow White's butt.
Or maybe not. Theron teased, "It's more like what Kristen does to me."
- K11 is also going to Berlinale - but only for market screenings, not a premiere. (LINK)
Rob and Kristen are currently enjoying their downtime.
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