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Info from courtjustice
Kristen Stewart is wearing clothing by Alexander McQueen, Blumarine, and Giambattista Valli in this new photoshoot.
Translation (SOURCE)
(On her parents working in the industry) "Both my parents work in film and television, they used to bring me with them at work, where I saw people of every age acting, even children: I immediately understood that I wanted to do it too."
(On why she likes to joke on set) "There's a lot of free time, I have to enjoy myself somehow!"
(On where she'd like to land if Captain Kirk could take her back in time) "Around 1948, 1950, so I could listen the beat generation's bebop, blues and jazz."
(On her Snow White) "Yes, but it's a very original Snow White, a warrior who even wears an armour!"
(On the beach scene she shot for SWATH) "Oh yes, that's the scene that sees me finally free after my escape from the Evil Queen. I love that dress, it's gorgeous! Wearing it helped me to get into character. The weight of the wet fabric, for example, helped me to understand the troubles Snow White has to face to escape from her destiny. The hair is also fundamental for this role. These are extensions, my hair is shorter, it reaches my shoulders, more or less. The color isn't mine either. Since I've been acting, I've never had my natural haircolor, which is light brown. But it's okay, it's fun to see yourself differently when you look in the mirror."
(On what kind of clothes she wear) "I'd love to wear very feminine clothes, but then, in the everyday life, when I'm in Los Angeles, at home, I'd rather be comfortable. Whereas, when I'm away, like in this case, I pack all kinds of clothes, for the evening as well, because I think that maybe I'll get a chance to wear them."
(On how long it takes her to pack) "I'm really organised. I just have to open my wardrobe and choose. But you see, even if I bring lots of clothes with me, it always ends up like this: tank top, jeans and sneakers."
(On doing exercise and staying fit) "I'm naturally skinny. We're all like this in my family, so I don't have to exercise a lot or go on a diet. I do all the exercise I need on set. Right now, for example, to play Snow White I never stop: I run, jump, fight with swords, horseride... I do all kinds of stuff! You see, I've even injured myself! But it's nothing serious."
(On her energy on set) "It's true, I don't lack the enthusiasm. If there's something to do, I say: 'Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!' Because I'm eager to start. This way of doing things helps me to always keep a high energy. I like going for new projects."
(On her upcoming projects) "Right now, there's nothing certain. I'll take the chance to go back home, to my family, and enjoy some free time. This, right now, it's my ideal holiday. I travelled around the world for my job, often whitout even realising where I was. I like travelling, but right now, I need to recharge my batteries."
(On what kind of actress she is) "I'm not one of those actresses that maniacally prepare themselves for a role. On set, I do whatever I need to do, but day after the day. If I have to improvise, I improvise, if I have to learn my lines by heart, I do it. There are certain screenplays which are so beautiful, that they only need to be repeated as they are, without any changes. I live in the moment."
(On why she loves her job) "Why worrying before a job? I love my job and I want to fully enjoy it. I love it, I'll never stop saying that. Seen from the outside it may seem like a fairytale, and maybe it is; but there's a lot of commitment behind it and even a few sacrifices. I, for example, love to sleep, but every morning I have to get up really early to go on set. I win over my laziness, I get up and I happily go to work. The important thing is to keep in mind that acting is like any other job. A job that gives you the chance to keep reinventing yourself, living new emotions and expressing yourself, but that doesn't really make you different or special. Anyway, I know I'm lucky, because what happens when you're acting, it's extraordinary. Sometimes you're so deeply taken by your character or the story, that you almost risk to lose yourself. It happened to me when I shot "Speak". I played an introverted girl that decides not to speak to anyone, ever again. Her silence it's how she defends herself from other people: her schoolmates, her teachers, her family even herself. At the end, it was hard to leave that comfortable silence I had created for myself. With silence you get peace and even your thoughts are more organised, it's extraordinary and really hard to explain. I lived an interesting experience with "On the Road" as well, where I play Marylou: I explored the freedom of actually living "on the road", mentally and physically. That's what I'm talking about, it's the magic of acting."
(On what kind of wish she'd make, given the opportunity) "Oh God, don't ask me about wishes! When I'm in front of a birthday cake, with all the lit candles, and everyone reminds me to make a wish, I just blackout. I think: what do I wish for?, and nothing ever comes to my mind. Then I close my eyes, take a deep breath and the wish comes out. I don't really know how to explain what happens inside of me, but that's what happens: breathing is the key to understand what I really care about."
(On whether she has any wish for her job) "I have everything I could wish for. I receive lots of job offers, job offers that are often interesting. Really, I don't know what I could wish for... I don't even have a particular role I'd like to play or a director I'd like to work with. I just let things happen."

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