
Interview with Taff (press junket)
Interviewer: In your new movie you have a secret love affair. It seems that’s what you try to do with your girlfriend as well. Is it hard to have a relationship that is observed 24/7?
Rob: Yeah, I think it’s strange to accept people trying to take photographs mainly because people are trying to sell it. And any kind of life where people are trying to sell every aspect of your life and things that are not intended to be sold it just makes me feel tacky and makes me feel cheap and so I prefer to keep my personal life personal. Try to at least
Tweets from the press conference
• Rob was 16 or 17 the last time he was in Berlin. He remembers the bars
• Francis says it was better working with the animals than with Lady Gaga
• If Rob were a circus animal he’d be a bear
• Rob hasn’t thought about his birthday yet according to how to spend it and what gifts to ask for.
• Rob said “Wasser für die Elefanten” in German
• When a reporter asked him what Berlin gifts/souvenirs he bought for Kristen, Rob smiled & said, that he hadn't bought anything yet but that he'll think about something.
• Bear is in L.A.
• In real life Rob never could imagine to mess with an existing marriage
• Francis said fans were very respectful on set and loved working with Rob
More on the press conference
Rob out to dinner with Nick and Stephanie last night.
Disclaimer: we own nothing
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