- Rob and Kristen surprised TwiFans in Los Angeles on Monday by appearing at an Eclipse screening and giving thanks for the success that Eclipse has been so far.
They also spend a lot of time together, including enjoying a performance by Rob's good friend Sam Bradley on Tuesday at the Hotel Cafe (We were there a week before and Sam is so good. Very talented)
Note: link directs to paparazzi photos
Kristen didn't just spend time with Rob, since he is still working on Water for Elephants and had a night shoot on Friday. He is expected to be done soon though. On Friday, while Rob and Kristen did have dinner together, she spend the rest of the night hanging with his friends.
Pictured with Tom Sturridge. We don't own the picture. (we post it because it is a fan photo taken from a relative distance, which feels less invasive. Maybe that makes us a hypocrite but this continues to be a fine line: what to post, what not to...)

In other news.
- New Rob Photoshoot Outtakes (Source) and here

- New Harpers Bazaar Outtakes
- Breaking Dawn will be filmed in both Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Vancouver and the part of two parts will find its way into theatres on November 18 2011.
- Kristen will start filming On the Road early August, taking her to Montreal, New Orleans, Mexico and back to Montreal. Pre-production is expected to start very soon. Latest news here
- Welcome to the Rileys debuted a full length trailer this week. We have been fortunate enough to see the film, check our review (and one of Eclipse) here
Some new Eclipse promotion Interviews:
Rob on GMTV UK
Rob and Kristen in Top Teen Magazine (Mexico)
Classy Kristen
- Rob on UK Politics and more in Paris Match
- T4 UK Interview with Rob
- Rob Interview with the Mirror (UK)
- Rob, Kristen and Taylor interviewed by Jake the Movie Guy
- Kristen's interview with E's Ben Lyons
- Rob's interview with E's Ben Lyons
UK's Telegraph's Eclipse Interview with the cast- Rob's Terra Interview
Cast Interviews with Fandango
Kristen's Interview with LoveFilm (Interviewer is 14 years old, impressive)
Rob Interview
Rob Interview with the Philippine Daily Inquirer
- Full Jimmy Kimmel Eclipse Special
- Buttload of Interviews also found here
Disclaimer: we own nothing
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