When times turn more quiet, or in Rob and Kristen's case more anonymous (which is good) it gives people with a cruel demeanor free play to make up the most ridiculous stories.
Sad, really.
Thankfully, in the real world (and not some warped faux alernative reality where people enjoy the idea of making up absurd stories) Kristen seems to have ducked under the radar again, while Rob was spotted out in London once this week.
It looks like they will reunite next week, since David Slade has arrived in Vancouver for some last minute Eclipse re-shooting whih includes some Bella and Edward scenes. We might get to see some Couv-love soon.
In other news:
- Oprah will host an Eclipse Special on her show on May 13, which yes, is also Rob's birthday. Now, he might or might not cut the cake in front of "O" (like she'd ever say no to a piece...) but we believe it'll be a taped show and not an actual live event on Rob's birthday. As for a "coming out" type of interview for Rob and Kristen: don't bet on it. Not only have they been pretty much out for a year, it is also not their style. Of course, it's very likely Oprah will ask them about it and we doubt they'll refuse to answer, so if there's any kind of EXCLUSIVE it'll be the fact they might officially verbalize it for the very first time.
- Oprah also had another Eclipse exclusive: a new trailer. So far, we love the feel though we could do with a little more romance.
More screencaps
Some Bella and Edward love:
Also, new posters of Bella, Edward and Jacob. We are not loving them.
- Another new Flaunt Magazine photo made its way online, plus a little snippet of Kristen's interview.

Flaunt Interview Excerpt: “I’m Insecure — Just Like You!”
Under those slumped shoulders and often cold-glare eyes, Kristen Stewart is just as insecure as the rest of us — so she proves in an incredibly revealing new interview in Flaunt magazine.
The Twilight star tells Flaunt’s Gregg Lagambina that she was wracked with nerves before her latest film, The Runaways, debuted at Sundance. “I thought everyone would write shit reviews. I thought everyone was waiting, itching to say that I should just go back to Twilight. And no one said that. I put so much into it. I would have died working on that movie. So if they did say those bad things, then I might as well just stop now.”
Kristen also explains why — at least in her mind — she might come off as aloof and standoffish to others. “I get defensive and that has probably perpetuated people’s idea of me never smiling. I kind of shake my leg too, so people think I’m always uncomfortable.”
As for how she makes her film choices, K suggests it’s all just instinct: “Who knows what you’re going to connect with and then be able to live up to? I can’t just read a script and say it’s great because there’s a part for me, my age, perfect—I can’t live that life. You know what I mean? That’s just not me.”
And she takes us deep into how fame has changed her: “Yeah, I definitely act differently. I’m definitely overcoming a lot of it. The only insecurity I’ve developed is just being overly paranoid about everyone looking at you when they’re not.”
- Finally: there has been some buzz about Kristen getting the lead role in the American version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (The Millenium series) and while she has met with casting directors at least once, it's not at all certain she will get that part. Also, rumors about Kristen taking over from Angelina Jolie as the new female lead in Wanted 2 (with James McAvoy) have no substance.
- The author of Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen talks about the movie and Rob a bit
"Were you poking yourself when “Water for Elephants” was contracted to become a movie, and when some little actors by the names of Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon agreed to be in it?
I have to stop and pause and knock on wood right now. The closer it comes to being real, the more superstitious I get. It’s Hollywood. It can all go poof, still. Things are looking as good as they can.
Are you involved with the project at all?
They’re letting us have the whole family in it as a cameo. I think we’re all going to be on in the midway or something. My kids are really excited about that, and I am, too, because that sounds like so much fun. I asked (the producers), and they said sure. So we’ll be in the background in a restaurant or on the midway and be a fast thing (on screen), but we’ll know where it is and the kids will be excited.
What do the three kids think now about mom’s career? Did the cinema thing raise your stature in their eyes?
No. I think the Robert Pattinson thing raised the stature of my oldest child in the school because all the girls are crazy about him. My 9-year-old asks me every time I get back from a book signing if I wrote a new book. He thinks I write a book a day. He has no concept of what I do."
New Rob/Kristen arriving in London from Budapest photos.
Note: We own nothing.